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Father Paul commemorated the Beatification of Father Michael J. McGivney during the scheduled 5:00 PM mass on Oct. 31, 2020. It was a beautiful and moving ceremony on the Eve of All Saints’ Day. Father Paul explained the history of the celebration of this important day as the spiritual battle between light and darkness. He emphasized that All Saints’ Day is a reminder to us as Catholics to walk with the Lord. Jesus laid out the happiness provided to us by God through the Beatitudes proclaimed by Jesus in the Gospel for this holy day.
Father Paul then recognized the Beatification of Blessed Michael McGivney, our Founder, through his good works as a parish priest in ministering to the widows and orphans of his time culminating in his creation of the Knights of Columbus. He recognized our Council of the Rock for the good works that we do for our parish and the community. Later in the mass, Father Paul offered the Prayer for Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney and blessed his portrait with holy water. I would encourage all of the Brothers of the Council of the Rock to view this wonderful tribute to the Blessed Michael McGivney and to the Knights of Columbus. A recording of the mass can be viewed by clicking on this You Tube link
My appreciation to our Brother Knights that attended this ceremony including Chris DeSantis, George Malouf, Robert Fragnito, Ed Camacho, Bob DiMeco, Jim Pipp, and Michael Quinlan. Special thanks and appreciation to Father Paul for providing us with a very beautiful commemoration of this important day for all members of the Knights of Columbus as well as the parishioners of SEAS.
Mike Caruso
Grand Knight
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